Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Governor Rod Blogoatavitch sent a letter to me today outlining for me the apparent medical malpractice crisis that we are in. As well, that there are many schools of thought as to what "meaningful" tort reform legislation should include as part of this legislation.

On the back of the letter, Uncle Rod asked me, ME! for my personal opinion on this here thang, and wanted me to write him back and send him a little letter.

THANK GOD FOR REALITYMEDICINE.COM! I will with all my little points of what meaninful medical liability legislation truly means, and I can mail that there letter off to Chicago (yes, Chicago....Who'd a thunk it?) so Rod can read up on what we doctors think about "meaningful medical liability reform legislation."

I truly hope that any docs also getting this letter from his highness would answer in kind, with a carboncopy from the www.realitymedicine.com website! If we all send the same freakin' message, at the very least, it will really really irritate him. At the most, it would pretty much irritate him, but might get him to think twice about who he needs to "do this for."

Marlon...Rod's left the door wide open, I say the ISMS slam dunk him with this!


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