Ever since the liberal media came down hard on the pharmaceutical industry, the drug companies have had to be extra careful on what they do for physicians. No more entertaining, no gifts, just details and samples, and maybe dinner (and God forbid if a doc was to bring their spouse along.)
Well, one thing that the pharmaceutical industry cannot be faulted for (oh just watch the liberal media take off with this one) is the support of physicians in the current medical liability crisis. Many drug reps are wearing the green wrist bands as provided by the ISMS/ISMIE (see the link to RealityMedicine,) but Pfizer has taken the lead in promoting tort reform in Illinois by helping distribute materials to physicians' offices starting May 2, 2005. The "Keep Doctors In Illinois" campaign that ISMS/ISMIE has been running (anyone seen the billboards on Eldorado and North Water?) will now be taken to the docs themselves, so that patients can receive important information on the crisis itself, but more importantly on
how to contact their legislators. Bob Slider, Frank Watson, Barak Obama, Dick Durbin...look out after Monday. The patients will be on to the problem, and will also
see clearly just who is holding tort reform up in Illinois. (I wonder where Emil Jones, Jr. will be hiding over the next few weeks...)PHYSICIANS, there will be an information talk about the campaign this Thursday evening. See your Pfizer rep for details on location and time! Get involved in the ISMS and
your county medical society!LEGISLATORS, learn a lesson from the judicial race involving justice Maag in southern Illinois. It's either Tort Reform IN or your butt is OUT! Elections for your seat are coming up sooner than you think. Docs in central Illinois will keep you in the NO SPIN ZONE (apologies to O'Reilly,) so don't try to talk your way out. It's action that is needed here!
PATIENTS...and that means all of us who ain't doctors or politicians!...we need to keep informed of this crisis and to let our legislators know that we need tort reform/medical liability reform in Illinois! Go to
www.realitymedicine.com and learn more about the crisis, and then get contact information for the legislators in your area. Write them a letter (if you see your doc, they may have a letter pre-addresssed/stamped for you, just write what you want and they'll mail it!) to your legislators and let them know your feelings.
Access to healthcare in Central Illinois, in Decatur, is the issue here. If medical liability reform doesn't pass soon, and if rates for physicians continues to climb, we may see more docs leave the state. Dr. Apichai and Dr. Trostel were forced into retirement because of the rising costs; don't let your doc be the next!
Take Pride In Decatur!